UPSEE counselling 2019: First counselling list released by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University
First counselling list released by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University
UPSEE has released it's first list for councelling on 4th july 2019.
List has been released on their official link I.e candidate can check the enrollment number from the site. Also candidate can check opening and closing rank of UPSEE 2019 on site .
How to check the first allotment list of the UPSEE given by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University
Following are the steps by following them any candidate can the enrollment list on the UPSEE 2019 site :-
1. Open the site
2. After opening the site click on " Seat allotment result for first round".
3. In the next window enter your roll number password and captcha.
4. After entering all details click on " sign in "
5. List will be displayed on the window.
6. Go theothr it and take print out for your future reference.
Candidates those have names in the list will have to go through the next process I.e candidate have to appear for the document verification and lock the seat of their choice during the councelling process for admission.
The admission formalities will be conducted for the candidates whose name have been included in the list from 4 to 7 July, 2019. The counselling fees is Rs 1,000. The online locking of the seat will be done from 4 to 7 July, 2019. Registration and payment of fees for fresh candidates will be from 8 to 12 July, 2019. The academic session will start on 27 July, 2019.
Oh thanks Mr. Sikaira for your valuable post!